Introducing Nutrition Coaching at Amoeba CrossFit

Amoeba CrossFit has been open since April 2021. Since then, we've focused exclusively on delivering the best CrossFit experience we can.
Neal Schuppe
October 31, 2022
Introducing Nutrition Coaching at Amoeba CrossFit

Amoeba CrossFit has been open since April 2021. Since then, we've focused exclusively on delivering the best CrossFit experience we can. We're a small, nimble team, and didn't want to spread ourselves too thin in the first year as we got this gym and community up and running.

Now that things are more or less rolling along, it's time to broaden the services and products we can offer you. The first new service we'll offer is nutrition coaching. And with that, we're excited to offer nutrition coaching to Amoeba CrossFit.

Nutrition is the foundation of fitness. Food is literally the fuel for life and plays a huge key role in your progress inside and outside the gym. Nutrition can be very confusing these days thanks to social media providing endless opinions, misinformation, and unrealistic expectations.

Before we get into it, you need to ask yourself what your ultimate goal is in regards to fitness.

A nutrition coach can help with all of the above in regards to nutrition and fitness. It can be upsetting for people who have tried and failed multiple "diets" over the years. With nutrition coaching, we want to help you enjoy your food, learn how to properly fuel your body, and love the body that works so hard for you.

Amoeba Nutrition is designed to make you confident and knowledgeable in making nutritional decisions for yourself so that one day you won't need a nutrition coach.

In the beginning, you may find it challenging and uncomfortable. That's okay! Changes don't happen overnight, in a week, or maybe not even in a month. This isn't a weight loss challenge or traditional weight loss program. This is a change in your lifestyle that will set you up for success for the rest of your life. Lifestyle changes and our bodies don't have quick-fix switches.

Program details

With Amoeba Nutrition, you get 1-on-1 nutrition coaching with a certified coach. You'll also get a personalized nutrition program that includes the following:

Jessica Oakley - your nutrition coach

Jessica is a certified physician's associate, CrossFit Level 1 coach, and M2 nutrition coach. To say she's passionate about fitness and health would be an understatement. Her CrossFit journey started back in 2014 during her final year of undergraduate studies. This passion for the CrossFit methodology led her to add a minor in nutrition studies to her Bachelor's in Exercise Science. After that, Jessica obtained a Master's Degree to become a physician associate.

Education: Masters in physician associate studies, minor in nutritional sciences, BS in exercise science, as well as certifications in CrossFit L1, Percision Nutrition L1, and M2 Performance Nutrition.

Next steps

Ready to become the healthiest version of yourself? Want more information on the program and nutrition coaching? Reach out to us at Amoeba CrossFit and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

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